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THOMAS 4 1/2 Round Switch Package
THOMAS 4 1/2 Round Switch Package
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THOMAS 4 1/2 Round Switch Package

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Lazerpoint RF™  packages are economical to order and are neatly assembled in one box, assuring no missing parts on the jobsite.


Complete with RF wireless door control switch package; everything you need for your installation.

(2) CM-40/4 Combo graphics, (2) CM-49A/B flush/surface enclosure, (2) CM-TX-9 transmitters, (1) CM-RX-91 single relay receiver

Camden’s new Lazerpoint RF™ provides a superior solution with industry-leading (broadband) 915 MHz. spread spectrum wireless technology. Lazerpoint RF™ ‘spreads’ the wireless signal across a number of frequency channels on a wider electromagnetic spectrum. Lazerpoint RF™ frequency – hopping (FHSS) wireless communications is virtually impervious to interference from other wireless devices (RFI immunity). In addition, Lazerpoint RF™ wavelength is 70% shorter than 300-400MHz. signals, allowing it to pass through smaller openings in building materials. Best of all, Lazerpoint RF™ provides a range up to 10 times that of typical narrow- band wireless products. Lazerpoint RF state-of-the-art circuitry draws minimal power: up to 5 year battery life or 500,000 activations, utilizing two AAA alkaline batteries.

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