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PARADOX IPR512 GPRS / IP Monitoring Receiver
PARADOX IPR512 GPRS / IP Monitoring Receiver
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PARADOX IPR512 GPRS / IP Monitoring Receiver



1024 Supervised Paradox GPRS/IP Modules : High-speed supervision for up to 1024 Paradox control panels using a PCS Module or IP150 Internet Module. Every communication module can report each partition with a unique account number.

End-to-End Supervision : The entire communication line (control panel, internet module, receiver and automation software) is fully supervised and can be reported due to Paradox’s proprietary encrypted communication.

Module Polling and Receiver Supervision : Up to 32 security profiles can be created per receiver with a programmable Module Polling Time and Receiver Supervision Time (seconds, minutes, or hours). If the receiver does not receive a presence message from the Internet Module within the Module Polling Time, the receiver will then wait until the Receiver Supervision Time elapses before reporting a supervision loss to the monitoring station’s Automation Software.

Direct Communication :All reports are transmitted directly to the receiver from the PCS300, PCS200 or IP100 modules without having to use intermediary servers or network operation centers. This provides faster response, with no concerns about issues from intermediary providers, such as signals not properly relayed or communication failures.

Redundant Internet Service Provider (ISP) :2 Ethernet ports (WAN1 and WAN2) to receive events through two different ISPs.

2 Serial Ports : COM1 connects to Automation Software (used by monitoring station) by emulating Radionics 6500 protocol. COM2 connects to a printer or a PC with an RS232 serial communication software view/print events in plain text format.

Communication Protocols : Supports ADEMCO 685, SURGARD MLR2-DG, and RADIONICS 6500 for event reporting to the monitoring station’s automation software.

Integrated Account Management Web Page : access web page via LAN port to view, edit and delete PCS200/IP100 modules, edit security profiles, configure receiver, view receiver troubles, and program special event report codes.

Data Backup on External Memory Card : The receiver has a built-in flash memory card slot for data backup (programmable intervals) and recovery. This allows fast and easy substitution of receiver units in crash recovery situations. Uses external SD, SD/HC, or MMC memory cards.

Firmware Upgradeable : The receiver is firmware upgradeable in less than 90 seconds and features automatic update verification.

Other Features :


  • Supports CID reporting formats
  • 256-bit AES data encryption
  • 2-line, 40-character LCD with a 6-button interface to view
    troubles, backup data to/from memory card, set IP Address and
    Subnet Mask for LAN port, and set LCD language, backlight
    and contrast, and set time and date
  • Supports 19″ rack mounting (1U) or desktop installation
  • Output relay (triggered by selected events)
  • Input relay (sends selected events when triggered)
  • Automatic date and time synchronization via Network Time     Protocol (NTP)
  • Robust and durable construction
  • Standard 110/220Vac power supply
  • Extremely low noise and low power consumption (less than     10W)
  • Secure private operating system

EN50131 grade 3

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