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Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C
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Founded in 1982, Mircom is a leading provider of innovative fire alarm, communication, and security solutions. Headquartered in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, Mircom designs and manufactures a wide range of products that enhance safety and efficiency in commercial, industrial, and residential environments. Operating globally, Mircom is committed to delivering high-quality, technology-driven solutions that meet the evolving needs of its customers, supported by exceptional service and support.

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Mircom TX3-NSL-12K-C

Designed to provide resident/visitor access control to buildings that do not have a dedicated phone line or do not want to incur the cost of a dedicated line.


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  • Description
  • Description

    Mircom’s TX3-NSL-12K-C Telephone Access Kit is designed to provide Resident/Visitor access control to provide primary resident/visitor access control for small condominiums, apartment buildings, office buildings, gated communities and industrial buildings that do not have a dedicated phone line or do not want to incur the cost of a dedicated line.

    The TX3-NSL-12K-C starter kit comes complete with a Universal Series slim line enclosure, Master NSL relay cabinet, relay card(s), relay cable(s), RJ-71C punch down block(s) and transformers to support 12 residents/users. The system can be expanded with additional hardware. (Refer to the ordering information).

    The NSL kit features a TX3-200-4U-C Universal Series slim line lobby enclosure that is constructed of a heavy gauge stainless steel for use in a lobby or outdoors. The enclosure features a built-in rain hood, microphone, tamper resistant speaker and has provisions for a postal lock and color camera to be installed. The slim line design is ideal for applications with limited space, or for applications where a separate directory exists or is not required. Surface, semi-flush or pedestal mount applications are supported.

    The TX3-200-4U-C lobby enclosure features a back-lit 4 line by 20 character electronic LCD display that scrolls a programmable banner message as well as the resident names and dial codes. The system also features a 16 digit back-lit telephone style keypad with dedicated operational buttons for Page Up, Page Down, Call and Info.

    TX3-NSL-12K-C system also features a configurable multilingual display and voice prompts (choice of English, Spanish, or French-Canadian) that provide instructions on how to use the system.

    The TX3-NSL-12K-C uses the No Subscriber Line (NSL) system, which does not require a dedicated phone line. This eliminates the monthly phone bill and provides the call waiting feature to all residents/suites on the system.

    The TX3 system is programmable via the built-in keypad or using a computer with the optional TX3 configuration software. In addition the system can also be configured remotely using the TX3 configuration software and the TX3-MDM Modem Module.

    The TX3 system utilizes hands-free, full duplex telephone communications between residents and visitors for granting access into the building.