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CRL PR82BF Barrier-Free Adjustable Multi-Size Surface Mounted Door Closers
CRL PR82BF Barrier-Free Adjustable Multi-Size Surface Mounted Door Closers
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CRL PR82BF Barrier-Free Adjustable Multi-Size Surface Mounted Door Closers

  • Multi-Size Adjustable Spring Power Closers Ranging in Size From 1 to 5
  • Barrier-Free Models to Meet A.D.A. Barrier-Free Requirements
  • Applicable for Doors Ranging From 24″ to 54″ Wide and 33 to 264 Lbs.
  • UL Listed

The CRL PR80 Series of Multi-Size Adjustable Spring Power Surface Mounted Door Closers are the perfect closers to replace your single size surface closer inventory. This compact closer matches the common 9-1/16″ x 3/4″ (230 x 19 mm) hole template, making it ideal for both new and retrofit applications. The closers adjust in a range from Size 1 through 5 to accommodate doors from 24″ through 54″ (610 mm to 1.37 m) and up to 264 lbs. (120 kg). A Barrier-Free (low opening resistance) model is available to comply with A.D.A. opening force requirements. Closing and latching speed controls are independently adjustable, and the adjustable backcheck feature helps prevent damage to the closer, door, and adjacent surface should the door be violently swung open due to wind or heavy pedestrian traffic.

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